Friday, January 11, 2008

NaNoWriYe Day 11

2:30 p.m.

Haven't written anything today, I'm doing this from the school's computer lab. Oh, wait... I sneaked in about 200 words during Spanish class. (Yeah...heh.) Write the rest when I get home, I guess.

Meeting AngelicAmbyance/Amber at Western Plaza on Sunday. WOO! So excited. Western Plaza, Sunday 13, 5 pm for dinner and chatting, 6:30 pm for Sweeney Todd! < For those of my friends reading this blog). [Also, parranda tomorrow at 9 pm at Western, but I doubt I can go. Meh, and a Sol d'Menta concert tonight at 11:30 pm...ishk. SO MANY THINGS! No time. Suckaaaaage...]

And only 3 more days (counting today) for the Consistency Challege. Finish that, and I'm gonna break down for school.

7:30 pm

1.2 K written, and more coming! I am apparently inspired tonight. So, only two more days to polish off the consistency challenge! :) Also, I finished the Why Reed essay for my college application, AT LAST. Only one more essay, for Marlboro (Why Marlboro). Yishk. All these colleges wanting ego-boosts...

Clip of the day:

Lithe, elegant fingers danced over the cracks and knots in the grain. Sparks flew from her tips and Brigit swore she saw something green. Before her eyes, roots took hold of the edge of the table and something started to grow.
"There is still some good in this word, Brigit O'Shalley."
The sprout extended from its young green stalk and Brigit stared at it, eyes unwavering. A flower, a tiny closed bloom, and then as if sunlight had hit it and Brigit was watching in fast forward, the flower bloomed entirely, unfurling smooth petals and lifting out long pollen stalks.
Deep, perfect blue, true blue, like the sky or the deepest ocean.

From Chapter V

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